{presenting amelia rose}

The Beckwith family finally got their girl!! And boy is she absolutely beautiful!! She has the most gorgeous skin and you can already tell she is going to be a blondie!! Her big brothers couldn't be more proud, and I couldn't be happier with her sweet images!

{presenting mila}

I had the pleasure of photographing this sweet momma's milk bath maternity session and now her beautiful baby girl! Mila is already loved so much and has a big family to welcome her now that she has arrived!!

{welcome baby lucas}

Sweet little Lucas was an absolute dream to photograph!! He was so sleepy, making little grunts and teeny noises! I have to admit, he totally made me want another baby sooner rather than later!!

{welcome baby colette}

I'm so excited for this beautiful family to bring a new little girl to the crew! Colette did so well for her first photo session and her big sister Cora did great as well! You can already tell how much love she has for little sister and I cant wait photograph them as they grow!!